Source Kelly Rowland
Now I don't care about the songs, or the dress code. What annoys me is how Ofcom has so much power over production companies. If Ofcom had its own way, every television programme would be like 'Relocation, Relocation, Relocation' or 'University Challenge' Even Monica Gellar would think it was no fun!
Would Britain really crumble is Ofcom didn't exist? Babestation would not be on every channel! Frankie Boyle still wouldn't be allowed his own programme! But people would be able to give their opinions on subjects without worrying about being in trouble, and more importantly, soaps would have proper arguments, so really it needs to happen!
Fingers crossed, someone from Ofcom will say either something racist, or something sexist and then they would no longer exist! So if Derren Brown can sort that out for me then maybe I would start taking him seriously!